
Saturday, October 10, 2009


benci 1000X!!!!!
entah sebab apa walaupon sy merasakn diri sy semakin rajin skrg nie tp seolah2 homework yg saya dah buat xluak walau sedikit pon!!!geram seyh...lab 4 test n quizzes yg mcm nk terburai kepala otak...adohh...

lab report yg nk kne redo with teachers bg guideline apa yg dy nak and ape nk kne buat still okay yg saya rasa mcm nk pegi menghantukkan kepala di atas bantal apabila disuruh buat lab repot,dah laa xbgi guideline apa yg dy nak...aleh2 tau2 kne reject jer..sape xbengang????saya cukup malas nk betangguh2 atau sengaja mepostponedkan keje2 lab repot...sbb keje tersebut akan semakin bertambah dan membuatkan hati saya semakin jauh dari membuat lab report!!

apasal kelas laen xgadoh nk sibok pon redo lab repot diorng!!geram...dan geram lg!

you're an IB student,so u must be independent in order to find ways to do your lab reports...

saya cukup tertekan bila dengar cikgu ckp mcm tu,try to take it from a positive ways,tp xleh dah nk sumbat kat mane lg tah ayat yg positive tu!!!adesss...mengapakah...

dah laa...lab report ada 3 utk 3 subjek,phy bio n chemist!adohai..knapa laa phy6 sy kna amik jgk...saya nk jd dentist la!!!sy ingat sy dah xjumpa dah menatang2 fizik nie bila buat jumpak jugak!!!huhuhu...

currently,i have 5 lab reports to do..3 redo n 2 for the week...
sorry weekends...
no more gayness since the lab reports have overtaken me from u!!


  1. better redo it now than do it in semester 3. ada ktorng punya super senior ni, dia slalu pesan 'work smart'. he's one of the best student btw. n what he meant by work smart is... amek senior dlu2 punya report, wut jd guideline. pastu tgk kwn2 sket. tukar sana sket, sini sket, adjust elok2 and make it yours. well for as long as u don't plagiarize. jgn bgtau the tcers i told u this. nanti kena marah balik. huhu.

  2. i don't mind if i dh abes ib. but for the time being, i kinda mind. heheee. sorryyyyy~~ try carik super senior..

  3. haha...its okay...da thing is...lisa xrmi knal super senior

  4. lisa!!
    ak paham sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt perasaan ko ohh.
    tensi tahap pisang!!
    grr..penat la weyh ib :/

  5. setuju sgt2 woohh lisa!!!

    'penat lah weyh ib'. dba, skang ak tau sgt2 daaahhh IB ni cmneeeee

  6. haha..ko xpikir lg lab report aku..tapi apepon, aku xde physix..hahahahaha...

  7. dbanoh>>>penat tayah ckp laa...aku ngn tensi family jaoh..weekend jer duk sorg2 roomate dua2 balik...bosan..weekend xleh nk enjoy..geng xde..arrgh!

    tqa>>bgos...IB sngt seronok bg mereka yg skema!!!

    armirule>>kau boleh diam sebab kau xamik fizik!sekian terima kaseh...

  8. cool cool lisa :p
    jgn mara2. t kene jual :) haha


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