
Saturday, September 10, 2011


alhamdulillah. dah weekend.
orientasi yang agak bosan oleh CUCMS.
sebab fully with brefing, but i guess thats normal lah kan kat mana-mana pun.
tapi saya suka nyanyi lagu CUCMS masa oath taking ceremony. 
oke, lagu dia sangatlah cute.
macam lagu nasyid. hehe~

currently staying at Cyberjaya Height Villa. in front of Sekolah Seri Puteri and nearer to lakeview.

1st day of staying, kinda disaster. im kinda blaming myself sebab bawak barang-barang basic pun boleh terlupa. macam tak pernah duduk asrama pulak gayanya! bayangkan lah blanket pun boleh terlupa bawak!  Quran merah hati pun sama. boleh pulak tertinggal. huhu.takpa, next balik. akan ku kutip segala mak nenek tu semua di rumah untuk diangkut ke Cyberjaya!

masa nak masuk briefing kat Auditorium.itu last waving family la kt saya. first time, Mak menangis nak hantar saya. walhal sebelum ni tak pernah pun mcm tu sejak dah duduk asrama dari form 4 ni. well,read that..A VERY HIGH HOPE. 

2nd day was okay but 3rd day is a bad day! kena tinggal bas. tombol pintu apartmen rosak. ada krisis penempatan some more. uhhh....sumpah, burst la menangis. well, memang cengeng. ni first time nak kena biasakan diri jadi budak uni. sebelum ni dah terbiasa pampered as a budak asrama. takpa2, i'll get used to it.

ada kenal dengan sorang budak coursemate. ex foundation CUCMS. from Kulim jugak. Fudzail. nampak macam nice guy. boleh buat kawan. at least kalau nak naik bas balik Kulim tu dah ada orang boleh guide. okay, im totally new and tak ada kawan kat sini. nak jumpa budak Kedah lagilah. so macam okay juga lah dapat tahu ada coursemate orang Kedah, and some more budak Kulim pulak tu!

budak rumah ada 8 orang. okay bilik saya ada bath tub. haha. *sila jeles* my roomate are from kajang and one girl from Pakistan. Mek Cha and Hidayah.

another 5 girls are 'Aziezah, Asiyah, Sky, Yasmin and Maariah Qibtiah. *i love her name, looks sweet*

okay, umah saya camni lah gak. tapi saya punya apartment kat sebelah greenscene ni.

our mentor is Dr Farkaad. she's an Iraqian lady. subhanallah very beautiful. :) i can't take my eyes off her during the first day mentor-mentee session. i can't focus on what she said since i kept staring at her eyes and nose. cantik oi! btw, Dr. Farkaad is going to be my General Anatomy lecturer.

all together of my batch, Batch 7 MBBS of CUCMS currently there are 74 of us. got one Bosnian girl is being sponsored by CUCMS to study Medicine here. Zerina Bahic. :). sharing tears, blood, sweat together in order to make it until the end of our final year 5 years from now on. graduated by July 2016. insyAllah. :)

Prof Hatta, our Dean of Faculty of Medicine (FOM) is a very inspiring man. well, i love how CUCMS implemented the Islamic approach in the campus. every morning, its a compulsory for us to recite the prayer, given by Prof Hatta that sounded like this.


in his introduction to FOM, he always mention the good attitude to become a good doctor, well i most likely to highlighted on this, and i keep smiling while listeing to Prof Hatta :

BENEFICENCE. see, the verse 51:56. thats is being lectured by Prof Hatta indirectly to us. 
its from the Quraan. ad-Dzariyaat verse 56.

ALTRUISM. prioritize other party.
or we called it as Ithaar in Arabic.

Prof Hatta also stated to us regarding Military Medine and Disaster and Relief medicine.

One of our lecturer regard the students affairs,Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ikram, vice president of Mercy Malaysia that have just gone back from Somalia recently, will be also dealing with us about the Disaster and Relief Medicine. through the Young Mercy, i guess this could be instilled in the students. :)

oh ya, the teaching hospitals! during our clinical year, we will be given a chance to get to be posted to Military Hospitals since we're dealing with the Military Medicine as well. ahah, and definitely i would really wish to go back to Lumut again. HAT Lumut. :)

i'm really hoping i could do my clinical years here. :)

okay today 1st class dah start. more to come. this is just the beginning. 

my timetable during my first year. :)

O Allah... you know the reason why you'd send me here.
mula rasa seronok despite of things yg nak ditempuhi bukanlah mudah.

last but not least....

Dr. Khairun Nurlisa Kamal, MBBS (CUCMS)
in the making.
may Allah ease!


  1. Dr Mohammad Ikram?
    name ayah dia hape? Mohd Noor?

    *deih, name sama dahhh.. excited nih, sbb kalo Akram berlambak, Ikram susah nak cari...


  2. hehe... rasanya DR Mohammad Ikram Mohd Noor is in the making lg kot..hehe..his name is Prof Dr. Mohammed Ikram Mohd Salleh i guess. :)

    manalah tau, terkenan nama tu ke.jadi orang hebat seperti beliau juga suatu hari nanti. insyaAllah!^^

  3. comeon bebeh!!dont cry. ini kan adventure namanya.hehehehe

    all da best doktor lisa. aku mmg xsabaq dh ni nk tgk hg jdi doktor :))))

  4. Sekolah Seri Puteri, SSP , my old school :) Kirim salam. Hihi

  5. @intan sofia : insyaAllah babe, kan aku nak sambut baby hang nanti. hehe!

    @aina shahirah : hehe...dah kirim salam. takde orang jawab la pulak. lol~ :P eh... suka la dengar lagu kt blog awak, soothing.. :)

  6. Salam lisa.. :)

    Dr. Farkaad mmg lawo. hehe... ramai lg lecturer CUCMS not a Malaysian. try la usha mr. Prashmit. hensem. hahaha ;)

    k.gee dulu stay kt greencoast. hehe. Zerina Behic tu dulu was from our batch, pastu dipaksa keluar jgk mcm kitorg. tp disebabkan dia under CUCMS, so CUCMS suruh die masuk intake korang ni. heheheh

    oh btw.. start x lg SCTL. muahaha. tahan jela sctl tu. mmg disaster ! hehehhe

  7. salam kak gee!!!! wahhh boleh tak nak jumpa kak gee n cerita betapa excitednya bila masuk kelas kt sini??? haha

    pasal zerina tu lisa tau. hehe.ada lisa mention pasal akak kat dia. hehe~

    SCTL??? nighmare la!!!! tengah buat la ni. ada 3 SCTL dr khin punya dia suruh buat!!!


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